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WinUAE 2.3.3
(40 votes)
Written by Demon Cleaner   
Monday, 19 September 2011
This is the final version of WinUAE 2.3.3

New features

- New very low latency VSync mode, autodetects real refresh rate, no more 100% CPU usage, supports also windowed modes.
  (Not compatible with fastest possible CPU modes but planned in future)
- Experimental rawinput joystick/joypad support. (-rawhid command line parameter)
  Added because DirectInput is said to introduce some extra input lag.


- Real cause for Max Transfer IDE problem found. IDE emulation detects and logs it now. (*)
- CD image audio buffer increased slightly, some systems had glitches in CD audio.
- Non-configured joystick/mouse autoswitch update: short firebutton press or move left = insert into joystick port,
  longer press or move right = insert into mouse port.
- Add Harddrive option does not require Administrator privileges anymore, most removable drives can be used without
  higher privileges, at least under Windows 7.

*) Max Transfer problem was introduced with ATA v2 specification. ROM built-in IDE driver assume ATA v1 behavior,
some drives are compatible with ATA v1, some are not and will require Max Transfer fix. It is NOT a drive bug.

Click HERE for details.

Bugs fixed

- IDE emulation write hang introduced in 2.3.2.
- A590/A2091 emulation crash if CPU was 68020+.
- On the fly CD switching (both images and real CDs) reliability improved.
- Direct3D blank screen problem is now 100% fixed. Really.
- win32.hardfile_path didn't work.
- On the fly resolution change didn't work correctly, resolution autoswitch improved.
- Key or joystick button mapped to mouse direction didn't work.
- Analog stick mapped to mouse had too fast and unstable speed.

WHDLoad packages June 2011
(36 votes)
Written by Demon Cleaner   
Friday, 01 July 2011
WHDLoad makes it possible to install quite a lot demos and games, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, to your harddisk.

Latest packages:

# 26.06.2011 improved: Alien Breed 3D (Team 17) slave rewritten, CD32 version supported and more
# 20.06.2011 improved: Dennis (Ocean) complete re-write, supports ocs version, blitter waits added, joypad support, supports cd32 version
# 18.06.2011 fixed: Puzznic (Ocean) now works with WHDLoad 16.9+
# 16.06.2011 new: S (Skarla) done by Psygore
# 16.06.2011 new: When We Ride On Our Enemies (Skarla) done by Psygore
# 08.06.2011 improved: Shaft 7 (Bomb) slave rewritten, supports the 3 revisions
# 07.06.2011 new: Web of Terror (Impressions) done by Abaddon
# 07.06.2011 new: Legacy (Hexodus) done by Abaddon
# 07.06.2011 improved: Demon Blue (MicroValue) complete re-write, trainer, joypad support, buttonwait added
# 07.06.2011 improved: Creatures (Thalamus) complete re-write, added blitter waits, load/save high scores, trainer, joypad support
# 04.06.2011 improved: D/Generation (Mindscape) rewritten CD32 version for WHDLoad v16

Homepage can be found here.
WHDLoad packages May 2011
(20 votes)
Written by Demon Cleaner   
Friday, 10 June 2011
WHDLoad makes it possible to install quite a lot demos and games, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, to your harddisk.

Latest packages:

# 28.05.2011 improved: Conflict: Europe (PSS) supports german version
# 21.05.2011 fixed: Misja Harolda (MarkSoft) music is played in game now
# 17.05.2011 fixed: Cannon Fodder 2 (Sensible Software) keyboard handling corrected, savegame loading fixed
# 12.05.2011 updated: Apprentice (Rainbow Arts) avoid error with newer whdload versions about low free stack
# 11.05.2011 fixed: Moonstone (Mindscape) other games releases are working again
# 10.05.2011 new: Megademo 2 (Disorder) done by Dr Cinicus
# 07.05.2011 new: Mega Motion (Extend Design/Black Legend) done by Don Adan
# 06.05.2011 improved: Moonstone (Mindscape) sound improved on faster hardware, intro skip added, uses less memory, item init fixed on uae
# 05.05.2011 new: Locomotion (KingSoft) done by Psygore

Homepage can be found here.
WinUAE 2.3.2
(25 votes)
Written by Demon Cleaner   
Friday, 10 June 2011
This is the final version of WinUAE 2.3.2

New features

- AROS ROM replacement development snapshot included, replaces old very basic ROM replacement feature, used by default if official KS ROM is not found.
- New autofire option. Button released = autofire. Button pressed = normal non-autofire firebutton.
- Stop the CPU and wait until blitter has finished if any blitter register is accessed while blitter is busy and CPU mode is fastest possible. Better workaround than immediate blitter for programs that have blitter wait bugs with fast CPU.
- Serial port telnet server.


- Disk emulation accuracy improved (Codertrash / Mexx, El Egg Tronic Quarts / Quadlite)
- CIA timer undocumented startup delays emulated (Risky Woods sound glitches)
- win32.floppy_path and win32.hardfile_path really works as expected.
- Display panel refresh rate accepts non-integer values.

Bugs fixed

- Implemented workaround that should fix Direct3D blank screen problem.
- Sample ripper crash.
- 68000 exception 3 emulation fixed again. (Broke compatibility with some very old copy protections, for example Soldier of Light and Zoom!)
- Reset bug that broke Arcadia mode, A1000 mode and Action Replay ROMs.
- Automatic resolution switch interlace detection was unreliable.
- CD32 early boot menu is accessible again.
- Rare crash when switching from fullscreen RTG mode to native mode.
- Borderblank chipset feature didn't work in ECS Denise mode.
- Possible input configuration corruption due to uninitialized variable.
- Color change table overflow crash that can happen when emulated program crashes really badly.

WHDLoad packages April 2011
(22 votes)
Written by Demon Cleaner   
Thursday, 05 May 2011
WHDLoad makes it possible to install quite a lot demos and games, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, to your harddisk.

Latest packages:

# 27.04.2011 new: Turrican demo (Rainbow Arts) done by Psygore
# 27.04.2011 fixed: Lost In Mine (MarkSoft) soundfx correctly played now
# 12.04.2011 new: Lost In Mine (MarkSoft) done by Psygore
# 05.04.2011 updated: Never Ending Story 2 (Linel) keyboard routine fixed, trainer improved, blitter waits configurable
# 03.04.2011 updated: Toobin (Domark) complete rewritten, save/load highscores, keyboard fixed, trainer added
# 03.04.2011 updated: Kid Gloves 2 (Millennium) complete rewritten, many new features
# 03.04.2011 new: Cap 'N' Carnage (Energize) done by Abaddon
# 01.04.2011 improved: Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds (Team 17) turbo patch added

Homepage can be found here.
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