Triumph's a Norwegian demo group that has been active for many years. Among their well known productions are Dreamscape and Eclipse from The Gathering 1996 and 1997.
This intro, which is entitled 64K Intro, was released at the Kindergarden party in Norway in 1998. It ended up as number three in the competition, behind Spaceballs with N20 and Contraz with Brainbox. If you compare these productions, you'll probably notice why Triumph didn't "triumph" with their contribution.
Two of the main reasons, in my opinion, is that it's too short and that it lacks proper design. If they had worked a bit more on these issues, they might have gained a higher position. After all, there's some well made effects included. Here I would like to point out the simply huge phong-shaded objects that almost fills the screen. One is shaped like a donut and the other one I can't find a name for in English, so you'll have to see for yourself.
Another positive thing is the music, which is simply brilliant. It's worth watching the intro just to hear. It's a remake of an old classic, but I won't tell you which song it is in this review.
If we sum this up, we've seen that 64K Intro has a couple of positive sides. Unfortunately, I'll have to say that the lack of design and the length are two big minuses. There's simply not enough content and the presentation of the effects could be much better. Still, thumbs up for good coding and music.