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Category   Amiga Websites » Emulation - Emulators

AmiKit is a preconfigured version of AmigaOS3.9 that runs using the WinUAE PC emulator to create a high-end Amiga environment.  If you prefer to use Workbench/AmigaOS instead of Windows/Linux then this is highly recommended.  Amikit will show you just what the Amiga's OS was capable of.


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Category   Amiga Websites » Emulation - Emulators

The AROS Research Operating System is a lightweight, efficient and flexible desktop operating system, designed to help you make the most of your computer. It's an independent, portable and free project, aiming at being compatible with AmigaOS 3.1 at the API level (like Wine, unlike UAE), while improving on it in many areas. The source code is available under an open source license, which allows anyone to freely improve upon it.

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