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3 results - showing 1 - 3

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Category   Amiga Websites » Commercial Stores

Swedish Amiga Store selling a large range of Amiga products ranging from Hardware and software to the Amiga one and Pegasos.


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Category   Amiga Websites » Demo Scene - Groups

This is the homepage of the Amiga Demo Scene group named Gods. The website is a bit old, but it does feature an interesting art gallery with pictures by Bridgeclaw/Gods and the history of the group.


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Category   Amiga Websites » Software - Archiving

Cowering's GoodTools is a suite of ROM auditing applications for Windows that contain a database listing known software for various video game consoles and home computers.

These tools, released as freeware, have established themselves as an important reference for ROM collectors, especially for older systems that don't have similarly authoritative sources and that have a perfect or almost perfect coverage in GoodTools.

The popularity of GoodTools originated the practice of distributing, instead of single or arbitrarily collected ROMs, the so-called "goodsets", packaged archives of every ROM for a particular platform that GoodTools recognizes.

3 results - showing 1 - 3 Results per page: