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New drivers for Catweasel Print E-mail
(1 vote)
Written by Demon Cleaner   
Monday, 17 September 2007
New drivers for the Catweasel controller have been released.
The most important change of the recent release of the Win32 drivers for the Catweasel are visible in the imagetool, which now supports many new disk formats and has new graphical functions. After a long wait, the Apple floppy formats of older Macintosh computers (400KByte and 800KByte per disk) and the Apple IIe series are now supported. Two more formats of Commodore classics can now be read, but this requires special disk drives with 100tpi. Regular floppy drives have a track spacing of 96tpi, so there will be read errors on most of the tracks of Commodore 8050 or SFD1001 disks.

As always, the new drivers are free, and they still contain the routines required for operation with the oldest Catweasel models. We're asking our customers who are still using these controllers to carefully test these drivers with the old hardware, as we are only testing with the latest PCI models of the controller.
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Last Updated ( Monday, 17 September 2007 )
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