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Home arrow Home arrow News arrow New Catweasel MK4 driver
New Catweasel MK4 driver Print E-mail
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Written by Demon Cleaner   
Tuesday, 03 April 2007

"A new version of the Catweasel MK4 driver is available from the Individual Computers site. Version is a public beta version that corrects many known issues and adds new features. The most important change is that the joysticks can now be used as input devices for any Windows program (for example emulators), without the need for adapting these programs first. A new configuration program eases the use of the imagetool, and a few files for developers have been added to the archive, so direct access to disks is possible for other programs. Certain computer configurations now allow the "suspend to disk" function. This lets you put the computer into hibernation mode without having to shut it down completely. Since this function does not work properly on all computers yet, we decided to release this driver version as a beta-version with known issues and continue to work on this part of the driver in the coming weeks."

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 03 April 2007 )
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