On the title screen, Type in "TOTAL WORMAGE" for SHEEP MODE. If you are using a joypad press GREEN, UP, PAUSE, PAUSE, YELLOW (which spells GUPPY - a tribute to the late Bananafish). This gives you 3 sheep, 1 banana bomb and a minigun straight away (go into Weapon Options if you need an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of sheep)
The "legendary prod move" is a not available in any shops. To activate get next to your victim and press AWAY, AWAY, TOWARDS, TOWARDS (in other words, if your worm is facing right press left, left, right, right)
The custom level option is EVEN MORE EXCITING than you thought. You can set the gravity, friction, sky and water colours for your levels. Instead of saving your level as FISHCAKE.WRM, save it as FISHCAKE.????.WRM (the 4 question marks being 4 numbers).
The first number is gravity and can be between 1 and 5 (1=very low, 3=normal 5=very high). Mars and alien levels have a gravity of 2.
The second number is friction and can be between 1 and 5 (1=very low, 3=normal, 5=very high). Arctic and alien levels have a friction of 2.
The third and forth numbers are the sky and water colours and can be between and 9 - fans of green water can now have a matching green sky.
You can also make your own message appear, when your level is chosen, by giving your level file a comment. Do this by clicking on the level icon and choosing "Information" from the Workbench menus.
"1803921718"___________________Weirdful scrapyard level.
"3549908729"_____Jungle level w/ crashed heli on island.
"252101829"___________________A perfectly curved island.
"345076839"_________________Bridge over troubled island.
"1706205299"_______________________________Arctic caves.
"THORAHIRD"___________________Explore her hidden depths.
"954338916"_____________________Sneezing alien elephant.
"2810298544"___________Horse sticking head out of water.
"3376459905"_____________________A bit of a triceratops.