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Games Beat-em-up Batman Returns

Batman Returns Hot

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Batman Returns


License:  Commercial
Year:  1993
A600  (ECS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
Number of Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  Konami
Developer:  Denton Designs
Coder:  John HeapRoy Bannon
Graphics:  Ally Noble
Game Notes and Information

Screenshots, Artwork and Media

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Member's Reviews

Editor review

One of the worst. Avoid it!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Since I've always been a fan of that guy that camouflages himself in black armour (and I still love the first two Burton films), I've played almost every Batman game ever conceived in my gaming experience. Console games, computer games, handheld games. Sadly, most of those games sucked (big surprise, it's the usual standard for licensed games), and this Amiga game is one of the worst. I wonder how can the same company (Konami) release two games based on the same film, and one of them is superb (Super NES) and the other so bad (Amiga). Konami always was (and STILL is, and I guess forever will be) greatly respected in the console market for their attention to detail and quality, but I guess the developers of their computer division (Gametek) weren't as competent. Other abysmal games like American Gladiators or Brutal: Paws of Fury, alongside Batman Returns, prove that.

Some of the backgrounds (namely, the first two stages) are the only really good aspect of the game, with scenery taken from the film (just see the big statues). Unfortunately, the rest of the graphics belong in a NES game and not on the home computer that saw games like Shadow of the Beast. And it's almost tragic that this is a 1993 game (when 2D games had matured). The sprites are very small and thus not detailed, and animation likes like broken puppets. The backgrounds of the later levels are poor as well, with a BAD choice of colours. Heck, even the static "story" screens aren't good (except the one in the intro with the bat signal).

The opening tune when the logo appears is really good, and it reminds me of Danny Elfman's music from the film. Unfortunately, the in-game music couldn't be worse. All the stages (even the last one) have the same irritating background tune, which has nothing to do with the film or Batman. The SFX are plainly functional, but the badness of the music makes you want to turn the sound off.

Gameplay! WHAT gameplay? The controls are unresponsive and "jumping" is a nightmare, making the game really hard. A good platform game firstly needs good jumping controls, and this falters badly making you fall to your death countless times.

I've played and finished it once (with a trainer), and I played it again to capture some screenshots. If you are not a Batman fan, I doubt that you'll play it as much as I did. In fact, you won't even bother to get past the loading screen.

Most games based on films suck badly, and this is one of the worst. Avoid it, and just see it only if you like the film. If you want some good Batman for Amiga try Batman: The Movie, or if you want some good Batman on any format try the unbeaten king, Batman Returns for Super NES.

This review was originally submitted by the classicamiga member one-second.

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Comments (1)Add Comment
Demon Cleaner
26 May, 2008

One of the worst? Definitely. I only played this game to make some screenshots, and that was already very frustrating, thus the small amount of screenshots.

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