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Anarchy Hot

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License:  Commercial
Year:  1990
A500 (OCS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
Number of Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  Psyclapse
Developer:  WJS Design
Design:  Wayne Smithson
Coder:  Wayne Smithson
Graphics:  Kevin OxlandChris Warren
Musician:  Ray Norrish
Game Notes and Information

Screenshots, Artwork and Media

Artwork - (Boxart, Diskscans, Adverts.. etc)
No Boxart, Disk label or other supporting Artwork scans are currently avaialble for this game.
If you can provide some please can you help by submitting them for us to use?

Manuals and Downloads

Manuals and Support Material
No manuals or other documents currently avaialble for this game. If you have some please can you help by submitting them?

No downloads currently avaialble for this game

Cheats and Tips

Levelcodes: 2: 0101 3: 3901 4: 2602 5: 9902 6: 4303 7: 9003 8: 6904 9: 3305 10: 9305 11: 3406 12: 0407 13: 6407 14: 2008 15: 7408 16: 4709 17: 3810 18: 0511 19: 6811 20: 3212 21: 0213 22: 8213 23: 5014 24: 1015 25: 8215 26: 5116 27: 0117 28: 7017 29: 5518 30: 2819 31: 9919 32: 7320 33: 2521 34: 0622 35: 3722 36: 1223 37: 4523 38: 4124 39: 1825 40: 1926 41: 9726 42: 5927 43: 0528 Enter FUNNY FACE in the high-score list and start the game. Now pause the game and enter WELL ARD. Following keys are now mapped: 1: Boost 100 2: Spreadshot 3: Smartbombs 4: Canons 5: Double-Shoot 6: 500 Bost 7: Life 8: Shield (Ship) 9: Shield (Characters)
No hints, tips or helpful information currently available - Please submit any you know.

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