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Savage Charts 2 Print E-mail
(6 votes)
Written by PG   
Friday, 08 June 2007
Savage Charts 2

After months of work, the guys in Futuris are back with another issue of the Savage Charts. This chart is special, as it incorporates top-lists for both the Amiga and the PC platform. The program itself is only runable on Windows machines, but that isn't a big problem today, as most people owns a PC beside their Amiga.

In this issue of Savage Charts you can enjoy a wide range of demoparty oriented stuff, along with top-lists for categories such as best programmer, musician and graphician. Whilst reading, you can endulge yourself in the neat graphics and the atmospheric background music. Compared to the first issue, this one has a few improvements, especially when it comes to the amount of voters. I'm sure that they will gather even more for the next issue.


That reminds me; If you haven't submitted your vote for the third installment of the Savage Charts, please do so now. You can find a vote-tool included in the archive of the production. Happy voting and reading!

To download the hottest issue of Savage 2 by Futuris, please click here.
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