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Games Adventure Space Crusade

Space Crusade Hot

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8.3 User rating
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Space Crusade


License:  Commercial
Year:  1992
A500 (OCS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
English French German Italian
Number of Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  Gremlin Graphics
Developer:  Rapier Design
Graphics:  Adrian CarlessKevin Dudley
Musician:  Barry LeitchIan Howe
Game Notes and Information

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Member's Reviews

Editor review

Must play for all Warhammer 40K fans.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
When this game was first released for Amiga in 1992, it was one of the greatest hits with amazing graphics, great sound effects and music, user friendly interface and good playability that didn't let you sleep for many nights.

Space Crusade is turn based, tactical squad game situated in world of Warhammer 40.000. Game is a follow up to Hero Quest - one of the first Amiga games from Warhammer world. SC is based upon the board game of the same name and is its perfect computer recreation.

At first, Space Crusade was released for Amiga, later a PC version appeared, but it had much worse graphics, sound effects and was a lot easier than the original Amiga version. It's one of the first tactical games with partial isometric view, that was later used in greatest hits like UFO: Enemy Unknown (a.k.a. X-Com: Ufo Defense).

In Space Crusade, you take command of a squad of Space Marines from one of the three 'chapters' (something like medieval knight orders), that is made up of yourself, the Space Marine Commander and four Space Marine troops. On-board abandoned spaceship, you will have to fight with evil forces of all kind, including chaos treacherous space marines, evil space Orks, Grethins and deadly Dreadnoughts.

Each of the chapters has different, characteristic abilities, for example Imperial Fists are good at using ranged, heavy weapons, Blood Angels are very good at close combat and Ultramarines are quite universal in every aspect, so your strategy will depend on chapter you select.

Before entering the alien spaceship, you have to equip your marines carefully with weapons and special gear that may be helpful in many different situations. Every weapon has its own way of firing, for example plasma gun destroys everything in line of fire, rocket launcher also damages all units neighbour to its target. Special equipments consists of helpful items like targeters and such. You also select special order cards, that can be played before one turn and give your marines some advantages (eg. enable them to fire or move twice this turn etc.).

Your enemy, aliens (always played by the AI) will do all they can to destroy you and your squad. They also possess special cards that may give them special abilities or disturb you in achieving victory (for example kill one of your marines with booby traps or put a soulsucker just next to your Space Marine and attack at the same turn), so things aren't going to be easy.

The game can be played by up to three human players, each leading one of the chapters, competing in completing each of the missions. They can cooperate or kill each other to get more mission points.

I myself grew up on Amiga games and as I remember, Space Crusade was one of my most favourite of all. It is a must-play for every Amiga and Warhammer 40K fan.

Review originally submitted by "Maciej 'Cronos' Czuchnowski".
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08 November, 2015

is very good

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