This demo was the winner of the competition at the Eastern Conference party in Poland in 1995. Responsible for the demo was Sputnik (code), Freeman (graphics), Grid (graphics) and Bethoven (music).
Lech by Freezers is a demo that contains a wide variation of nice effects. City landscapes, Doom-effects, and fast and furious 3D objects are three of the keywords here. But it isn't the effects that make this demo so fun to watch. It's the design.
Everything you see on screen is synchronized to the music. As the music, at least in my ears, is divided into different parts, it all goes well with what's happening visually. The atmosphere is, because of this, constantly changing.
In Lech, there's never a boring moment. You'll be taken from effect to effect and from picture to picture. It's a good ride and well worth trying out. I watched Lech for the first time over 10 years ago, and I still like to run it from time to time today.