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Games Adventure Dragon's Lair

Dragon's Lair Hot

Editor rating
9.0 User rating
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Dragon's Lair


License:  Commercial
Year:  1989
A500 (OCS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
Number of Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  ReadySoft
Developer:  Visionary Design
Coder:  Randy LindenAndy ThutDavid Foster
Graphics:  David BrimblecombBernard HellreichRaymond Liu
Game Notes and Information

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Member's Reviews

Editor review

Dragon's Lair - extreme excellence

5 of 8 people found the following review helpful
Suspense. Fear. Excitement. Disappointment. These are just some of the emotions you will encounter when playing this game. Dragon's Lair has to be one of the best games on the Amiga and of all time. It has all the right balance of gaming components to make it an eternal classic.

You play the role of Dirk the Daring, a young, charming and occasional klutz of a prince. He is trying to rescue his princess from the claws of the evil dragon overlord, by fighting his way through a castle full of traps. How far he gets to rescuing the princess is determined by you. Will he be crushed by tentacles? Zapped by the evil knight? Or poisoned? Your actions will determine his fate.

This game plays more like a movie than a game. This is perfected by the producers of this game and your simple button presses are incorporated into the game seamlessly. Your controls are up, down, left, right and fire. Originally, it was controlled by the keypad on the far left of the keyboard. Your movement had to be timed precisely as to progress through the screen and to avoid death.

Graphics: Excellent. It is drawn in a cartoon style, which works perfectly for this game. It is vibrant, with many different colours immersing the screen. The monsters and backgrounds are drawn with lots of detail, making it a very complete graphical experience.

Sound: The music! The music in the loading screen makes you anxious, you don't know what is coming in the next screen and it keeps you alert for anything. A great choice there. Also the background noises from the environment are excellent. The bubbling of goo, the screeching of bats and the clinking of armour are all captured superbly.

Gameplay: The simplicity of the controls makes this game fun to play. Only having to press one of five or a combination of two buttons makes it easy to control. To play, all that is required is for the player to time the correct button press to avoid death. Also, another factor that makes this game difficult is that fact that all the screens appear as mirror images. This means, that even though you may have completed a particular screen, it will appear as reversed, so all the button presses will be different. This causes great headaches, as many deaths can be incurred due to this.

Lifespan: This game is definitely worth keeping. Without any trainers, this game will last you a long time. This is the type of game that you would make a MAME cabinet for. Although, if you are some kind of arcade mastermind and can do each of these screens with one attempt, then it will be no fun. You have to die to enjoy this game.

Overall: This game is brilliant. Has to be my number one game on the Amiga. I am extremely tempted to build a cabinet just so I can emulate this game and people can play it whenever they feel the need. A legendary game that should be enjoyed for many years to come.
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Comments (2)Add Comment
06 March, 2007

Dragon's Lair has always been such a simple game in terms of gameplay, with simple joystick movements timed to the on screen action being the games only input. But the design and style of the original arcade game meant the game was much more than just the simplistic control.

The death scenes are definitely some of the best seen in any game and definitely one of the most amusing parts of the game.

The Amiga version lost some of the arcade originals polish, and some of the parts of the game were reduced to fit it all onto a hand full of floppy discs, but it is still a great fun game to play and enjoy.

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Demon Cleaner
06 March, 2007

Once learned by heart, it was easy to complete the game over and over again. Best part was to try out the different deaths of Dirk, which made me like him even more, as it was funny only watching him die.

But I don't think that the amgia version can actually be on par with the arcade version, as the laserdisc version look was quite amazing at the time.

I think that an overall rating of 9 is a bit high, and I would definitely give it a 7-7.5, not more.

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