Games Platform Beavers

Beavers Hot

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License:  Commercial
Year:  1993
A500 (OCS) A600  (ECS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
WHD Install available
Number of Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  Grandslam
Developer:  Arc Developments
Design:  Jon Harrison, Carl Entwistle, Julian Scott
Coder:  Julian Scott
Graphics:  Jon Harrison
Musician:  Andrew McGinty
Game Notes and Information

Screenshots, Artwork and Media

Artwork - (Boxart, Diskscans, Adverts.. etc)
No Boxart, Disk label or other supporting Artwork scans are currently avaialble for this game.
If you can provide some please can you help by submitting them for us to use?

Manuals and Downloads

Manuals and Support Material
Click on the book icons to view the files. Text files will open in a popup window. PDFs will open in a new browser window.

No downloads currently avaialble for this game

Cheats and Tips

Type biggigbib during game play to enable cheat mode. Then use the following keys:

[F2] = jump to the next level
[Space] = free movement in the level.
Note: Hold down Fire while in free movement mode to travel faster.

To reach Level 8 type zegooli at the title screen.
To reach Level 15 type mrclink at the title screen.
No hints, tips or helpful information currently available - Please submit any you know.

Member's Reviews

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