Zool Hot

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License:  Commercial
Year:  1992
A500 (OCS) A600  (ECS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
WHD Install available
Number of Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  Gremlin Graphics
Developer:  Gremlin Graphics
Coder:  George Allan
Graphics:  Adrian Carless
Musician:  Patrick Phelan
Game Notes and Information
Zool was Commodore's attempt to create a platforming mascot for the Amiga intended to extend the popularity of the Amiga in the same way that Mario did for Nintendo and Sonic did for Sega. Sadly although the game was a reasonable platformer it didn't shine in any respect and didn't contain any of the polish of it's rivals.

Screenshots, Artwork and Media

Artwork - (Boxart, Diskscans, Adverts.. etc)

Manuals and Downloads

Manuals and Support Material
Click on the book icons to view the files. Text files will open in a popup window. PDFs will open in a new browser window.

No downloads currently avaialble for this game

Cheats and Tips

When the screen says push fire to start, type "GOLDFISH". Now use the following keys:

'F2-F5'____________Advance to the corresponding level.
'1'_________________________Will make zool invincible.
'2'_______________________Advance to the next section.
'3'________________________________Skip to next level.
'4'_____________________________Removes invincibility.

Try any of the following for various messages: "ADE", "TONY", "GEORGE", "GREGGS", "PAT", "SIZ", "SYD", "CASSON", "SHORTIE", "MICK", "PAUL", "RITCHIE", "ASH", "MARK", "BERNI", AND "HILEY". For a bonus zone on level 2-2, play these notes on the first piano; Brown, Yellow, Red, Orange, Green.
No hints, tips or helpful information currently available - Please submit any you know.

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