WinUAE 1.4.6
Written by Demon Cleaner   
Tuesday, 05 February 2008

WinUAE 1.4.6

WinUAE 1.4.6 now officially released. Download can be found in the downloads section.

New features

- Mouse never capturing. (Windows 98/ME, rarely on W2K/XP)
- Some games crashing (temporary workaround: enable >2M Chip RAM)
- Broken sprite outside playfields-feature and SWIV score information
- Fullscreen mode with non-default refresh rate fallback problem
- A600/A1200/A4000 IDE emulation froze with >2G drives/HDFs
- CDTV E.S.S. Mega: "semi-hidden" track now loads properly on W2K/XP
- Crash when switching between <=2MB Chip + Fast and >2MB Chip setting
- Sound emulation tweak (Dungeon Master II)
- Unstable NMI option in cycle-exact and more-compatible modes
- "Full-window" mode didn't always allow Windows desktop RTG resolution

Bugs fixed

- Inverted mouse and analog joystick input sources
- Input device (USB joystick, mouse etc..) on the fly insertions and removals supported. Device names saved to configuration file
- Automatic joystick switching, firebutton 'inserts' any non-selected joystick to Amiga joystick port. Second button selects mouse port
- Dynamic JIT direct memory allocation. Increased Z3 and RTG maximum sizes to 1G and 512M (At least 2G physical RAM required)
- A3000 confirmed 2.04 ROM added to ROM scanner
- Directory filesystem ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL implementation is more compatible with buggy programs
- CIA/Gayle overlay emulation setting added to advanced chipset
- Original early A1000 non-EHB Denise added
- Original A1000 (and early A2000) Agnus blitter busy bug added
- Keyboard reset warning emulated and added to advanced chipset
- Debugger improvements, hex/dec/bin converter, all commands that accept numeric parameters also accept register names (RAx,RDx,PC,USP,VBR,..), number prefixes supported, hex = 0x or $, bin = %, dec = !
- 1M (both 0xe0/0xf8 and 0xf0/0xf8) and 2M (0xa8/0xb0/0xe0/0xf8) ROM image support
- Implemented "Fullscreen" filtering option


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