Written by Demon Cleaner
Friday, 16 November 2007 |
The developers of WinUAE give us a peek at their next release with the newest features. Estimated release will be in december.
Click here for features
- Sana2 compatible net device emulation
- Full doublescan mode emulation (DBLPAL, DBLNTSC, MultiScan etc..), sprite doublescan support.
- Full SuperHires emulation, bitplanes and sprites, including ECS Denise "scrambled palette" superhires mode. Also does not downscale hires sprites to lores anymore when bitplane resolution is lores.
- SuperHires resolution added to display panel, replaces old GUI lores setting with lores, hires and superhires select box.
- .dsq (DiskSqueeze) and .wrp (Warp) disk decompression support.
- "Automount" and "Do not boot" harddrive options added.
- Axis movements can be mapped to buttons in input panel (left/right and up/down)
- optional ini-file registry replacement
- Nordic Power 3.0 support
Last Updated ( Friday, 16 November 2007 )