Welcome to classicamiga - April 2007
Written by Harrison   
Saturday, 31 March 2007

Welcome to classicamiga, your guide to everything Amiga.

Classicamiga.com is a site dedicated to the classic range of Commodore Amiga home computers. We are dedicated fans working to preserve everything that made the Amiga so great, as well as trying to provide some great articles and site content for all Amiga fans to enjoy.

If you are fans of Amiga gaming you will enjoy our extensive Amiga Games Directory that includes lots of information on each game, as well as screenshots, cheats and tips, box art scans and supporting imagery, streaming music taken from the game, and videos of the games in action. And coming in April will be the launch of our Amiga Games manual collection included with each game entry. So if you have lost the original manual for your favourite game, or just want to see what the original manual looked like, you will be able to download and enjoy them.

Equally if you are a fan of the great Amiga Demo Scene then you will love our Demo Scene section. We have a Demo Scene Directory that lists the best releases from the Amiga Demo Scene over the years. Each entry includes an extensive list of information and details about each production, as well as screenshots from the production, links to each productions download and many also include streaming music from the production. Also coming in April will be the first Demo Scene streaming videos showing the demos in action.

We like our members to join in and become a part of the site. For this reason all games and demos listed on the site allow members to take part and write their own reviews, giving their opinion and score for each entry. In addition members can also leave comments under every game and demo entry, sharing thoughts and memories of each game or demo you remember and enjoyed.

In addition to the great site content we also have the classicamiga forum where all of classicamiga's staff members frequent. If you have some questions, or Amiga related problem, please ask us and we will try to help. Or if you just want to share your love of the Amiga with fellow enthusiasts we would love to see you become a member of the forum and the classicamiga community. And we don't just chat about the Amiga. The forum is home to a very relaxed community populated by fans of all types of emulation and gaming, as well as anything and everything we can think of.

Hiscore competitions, Quizzes and the Arcade

In addition, the classicamiga forum is home to some great fun and games. Each month we hold a Hiscore Competition. An Amiga game is picked and all members are welcome to try and gain the highest score. All that you need to do is post a screenshot showing the hiscore and you will be entered into the competition.

We also regularly hold a classicamiga quiz, created and run by our staff moderator, Demon Cleaner. The most recent quizzes have asked members to identify Amiga games from screenshots. These have been great fun with some very close results. The forum also hosts a series of self take quizzes where you can test your knowledge on various subjects, Amiga and other, and see how well you do compared to the scores other members achieved.

And if that wasn't enough we also have a live Arcade on the forum where you can play the online games in your browser and compete with the other members for the highest scores, and the chance to win some membership points.

With all of our fan and games members have the chance to win forum points and gain a place in the Hall of Fame, along with an award medal to show your achievements.

A new look

Returning visitors to classicamiga will instantly see we have a new look. We have made the layout of the site easier to navigate and explore through the new top navigation system. We have also made the site slightly wider with less clutter on the pages, which will hopefully make the site nicer to use and enjoy, whilst also allowing us more room for content and creativity.

Still to come

We have lots of exciting new content coming to the site. First and foremost will be the additions to the games section as mentioned above. These include Games Manuals and Video clips from the games. The classicamiga staff members are also continuing to work on content for the game and demo sections, adding screenshots, information, box art scans, audio and video files, cheats, tips, walkthroughs, downloads and anything else we can find. If you would like to help us with the content please ask. We are always looking for enthusiastic Amiga fans to join us.

Upcoming Classicamiga content:

  • The rest of the content from the old site ported over.
  • New tutorials on using emulation and the real Amiga, as well as tutorials explaining other Amiga related subjects.
  • Hardware section detailing all Amiga models and much more.
  • Software section with recommended Amiga software and reviews.
  • Emulation section - exploring the broad range of Amiga emulators available across many platforms.
  • More FAQs, game walkthroughs and cheats.
  • More box art and peinted advert scans to be added.
  • Games Manuals in PDF format for download.
  • The New Magazine section (more once it launches).
  • More great hiscore games competitions and quizzes.
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 20 June 2007 )