UropaČ: The Ulterior Colony - Manual UROPA2 - The Ulterior Colony Copyright © 1994 AUSTEX SOFTWARE Code: Stephen J.Smith & Paul N.Goulding Graphics: Bruce Abel 1. INTRODUCTION TO UROPA2 1.1 BACKGROUND Intercorp is the largest galactic peace keeping force in our Galaxy. During the intergalactic wars, damage to a vast majority of their defense systems was sustained. When the wars had ceased, repair work began. The moon of Europa, which orbits the planet of Jupiter, was partially destroyed during the wars. Intercorp decided to re-build the moon. The rebuilt moon was named 'Uropa2' and because of it's strategic position, has been set up as a major link in communications and detection of hostile fleets entering our solar system. There are twelve bases, scattered across Uropa2, which are the control centres for the Moon's detection systems. Each of these bases generate their own internal atmosphere through use of oxygenator machines. These oxygenators are required to sustain human life inside the bases without the use of oxygen suits. Uropa2's detection systems were placed under the control of human colonists. These colonists have no weapons or defence training and as a result of their peaceful nature, the protection of the colony was charged to Tekite and Kapone droid warriors. The Kapones have rebelled against Intercorp and have gained command of the moon. Communications with the moon have ceased and the fate of the Colonists is unknown. It would seem that the Kapones are acting as mercenaries for one of Intercorps intergalactic enemies and have been tasked with the destruction of Uropa2. 1.2 OBJECTIVE Time is limited. You have twenty-four hours to restore the 12 Bases. Failure to do so in this time will mean the depletion of the Uropan atmosphere and the death of any remaining colonists. Your overall game objective involves three related tasks, which must be completed for each base on the Uropa2 moon. · To rescue as many of the colonists as possible from each base. They should be returned to your Star Ship above the planets surface via the main transporter room for each base. This is necessary so that they may be returned to their normal functions on Uropa2 once the battle for its control has been won. · To repair the oxygenator in each base on the moon and enable restoration of the atmosphere for that base. To do this you will have to seek out each oxygenator control room, repair and activate the oxygenator if necessary. Each control room has a password which is supplied on a corresponding key. This key should be present in the base, but most likely the Kapones will have hidden it. · To destroy all Kapone warriors within each base. If you fail to do this, it will prevent the safe return of the colonists at a later time. There will be a number of smaller base dependant objectives involved in getting to the final stage. You have been supplied with a laser sword for use in stunning the Kapones, but it will be necessary to obtain more powerful weapons in your quest to restore Uropa2. For travel between bases, we have managed to obtain an Eagle 5 hovar. It appears in good working order and should enable you to travel from base to base quickly. You need all your skills to survive any enemy attacks however. So, as your Commissioner says, "Be careful out there". 2. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS The game is divided into two main sections. Firstly, each base on the moon is represented by isometric 3D graphics. The view will be of you in each room as you wander around the base. Each base is located under ground and can only be entered by transport from a floating base station on the moons surface. The second section involves the moons surface. It is represented by 3D vector light-sourced graphics. The view will be from inside your Hovar vehicle looking out. This is the only way to travel from base to base. Each base station on the surface provides the link between a base and your hovar. Transportation from a base to the base station will enable you to replenish your hovar before embarking on base to base travel. 2.1 DASHBOARD DISPLAY 2.1.1 STATUS BARS There are two status bars, one on the left and one on the right of the dash. The left bar indicates your current energy level. When full it will be a complete long green bar. When your energy reaches a critical low level it will begin to flash red. If this occurs, it's time to bail out of any battle you are fighting. The bar on the right indicates the status of the current weapon you are carrying. In the case of the standard laser whip, it indicates the current energy level, but with other weapons it will indicate the weapon temperature. When it reaches minimum effectiveness it will begin to flash red and the fire rate will slow until it cools down again. 2.2 DASH ICONS There are six operational icons on the dashboard. These icons are selected by clicking on them with the mouse or by using the matching keyboard function keys. (See 6.1.1) The icons from the far left are: Communications, Load/Save/Info, Status, Weapon select, Inventory and Base map. 2.2.1 COMMUNICATION ICON Selecting this icon will bring up a display of all the current messages you have received. These may be internal or external messages depending on how you obtained them. This icon will flash when a broadcast message has been received. Simply click on the gadget to bring up the communication window. The left list of names refers to the disks or broadcast messages to read. If the message is from a message disk, then it will say "DISK". If the message is from a broadcast reception, then it will say "BCST". The number after each of these refers to the datestamp associated with that message. Selecting one of the messages in the list will be highlighted and the message will be displayed in the read area on the right. You can use the gadget scroll bar and up/down gadgets to view long messages. 2.2 LOAD/SAVE/INFO ICON 2.2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION This icon will bring up the information window. This window displays information regarding your general status on the left and the personal modules you are currently using on the right. The information supplied is as follows; · Current room The name of the room you are currently in. · Credits The amount of credit you have. You must have a credit card before you can collect and use credits. Some computer systems will not function until you insert a credit card. · Data Downloaded The amount of data that you have downloaded from enemy droids. See section 3.7.1 · Order ranking This is your ranking from 1 to 100. It represents how well you are doing in the game. Once you have reached number one, you have attained the highest accolade a Tekite can reach. · Time left The time you have left to complete the current mission. Failure to do so will result in the destruction of the moon and the Tekite empire. · Legal status Your current legal status could either be "lawful", "rogue", or "criminal". Inadvertent shooting of colonists will bring about a "rogue" rating. Continual killing of colonists will inevitably bring the wrath of other Tekites upon you. · Colonists left The current number of colonists left in the base to save. · Kapones left The number of Kapones left in the base to destroy or capture. 2.2.2 LOAD/SAVE Selecting either of these gadgets will bring up a file requester. This allows you to save or load the game at it`s present stage. Note that the gameplay still continues while the requester is displayed. 2.2.3 PREFS Selecting this gadget will bring up the preferences window. You can control some in-game functions such as the sound effects and your Centurion name. The default name is "Blackbeard". The non-active window pause mode is used whenever you want to switch to the Workbench screen and automatically pause the game. When you click the left mouse button in the game window, the game will resume. 2.2.4 INFO Selecting this gadget will bring up information on the selected personal module, shown by a red box around the module area on the right side of the window. PERSONAL MODULES INFORMATION There are up to eight different personal enhancement modules that can be attached to you. Some of these are; · Map sensor. Used to display information about objects when the map is displayed. · Energy enhancer. This module will decrease the energy drain when being attacked. · Energy regenerator. This module increases your energy at an accelerated rate. · Graviwarp. This module is used to increase your height momentarily. · Optic enhancement. The optic module increases your perception of holographic images. 2.3 WEAPON INVENTORY ICON This icon will bring up a window containing your current inventory of weapons, weapon enhancements and rounds of ammunition. The top row of selection boxes can each contain a weapon. The small indent bar above each of these boxes indicates the amount of effectiveness the weapon has. The bar below each of these boxes indicates the rounds of ammunition that weapon contains. The second row of selection boxes can each contain up to nine (9) weapon enhancement modules. Each of these modules can be attached to any of the weapons in the above row. To add a weapon enhancement to a weapon, you click on the box containing the enhancement, and by dragging the mouse whilst holding the left mouse button down, you move the icon image of that module over to the weapon you wish to enhance. Simply let go of the left mouse button once you have the enhancement icon over that weapon, it will then be attached to that weapon. Each weapon may be reloaded with ammunition via the reload button at the bottom of the window. Simply select the weapon you wish to reload by clicking on it's box, then press the reload button. 2.4 WEAPON SELECT ICON Each weapon contained in your weapon inventory (See 2.3) can be selected for use by clicking on this icon. Next to each of these icons will be a number referring to the amount of ammunition left in that weapon, except for the laser sword (the weapon given to you by default), which uses no ammunition as such. 2.5 INVENTORY Selecting this icon will bring up the inventory window. This window contains all the objects you carry in the main inventory hold. Each box in the window can contain one object that was either found or bought. Selecting an object in the inventory will cause a simple descriptive text to be displayed in the beveltext box towards the bottom of the window. Once an object is selected, you may then proceed to use, insert or drop that object. Insertion of most objects can only be achieved by being physically next to a computer with special object access. In most cases, a message will be displayed within the window if an error occurred during insertion. If you are not next to a computer or accessible device, then the insertion gadget will be disabled. Using an object is more commonly done with objects that have a special interface, such as the T.E.D (Timed Explosive Device) or the LockPik Device (See 4.1). Any object that can not be used, will bring up an error message. Weapons Cannisters (blue cannisters), and Weapon Enhancement modules (yellow cannisters) will first appear in your inventory. Selecting any of these cannisters and then pressing the use button will cause the item to be transferred to your Weapons Inventory ready for use. (See 2.3). Personal Enhancement modules (red cannisters) also appear firstly in the inventory, "using" these cannisters will activate them and they will appear on the Personal modules in the General Information window (See 2.2). Objects can be dropped just about anywhere. If there is no space to drop the object, then the drop gadget will be disabled. NOTE: By dropping the T.E.D. You actually activate the device. Be careful... 2.6 BASE MAP ICON Activating this icon will bring up the base map window. This window will display the current map of the base you have currently explored. You can zoom in and out using the IN/OUT gadgets. The CENTRE gadget will re-draw the map with the room in the centre of the map being the current room you are in. You can scroll around the current base area by using the arrow gadgets. The size of this scroll area depends upon the amount of the base area you have explored. 3. BASE ROOMS 3.1 TRANSPORTER The first room you will start at will be the transporter room. From this room you can travel back to the StarShip, Base Station (on the surface) or to any other translink rooms. To transport, you need to access the transport computer located in the room. Use the access gadget when the transport window appears and select you destination. Once the transporter starts, you should hear the sound of the transporter device working. You must be standing in the centre area defined by the four transporter pylons to be transported. You may transport any creature/droid using this device. 3.2 SUPPLY Most bases will have a supply room from which to purchase miscellaneous goods. These rooms will contain various items from food to personal enhancement devices. To use buy goods from this room, you need to have a U.C.C. (Uropa Credit Card). Insert this card into the supply computer to get access to the supply menu. Supply menu will list the item types available in the current room. Selecting one of the item types will then bring up a sub-menu which will list all the items of that type with the prices and quantity available. Selecting on each item will add one to the amount you want whilst subtracting the quantity left. The total price will increase accordingly. You may either accept the order or cancel at this stage. Once an order has been accepted, the items will be placed in you inventory and credits deducted from you credit card. If there is no room left in you inventory for these items, then an error message will appear. 3.3 SECURITY Each base has areas which require security access. The doors could either be locked or unlocked according to the security computer status in the room. If a security door is locked, you can either walk through by having the base ID card in you possession, by blowing open the door, or by using a Lock pick device. Once inside the room, accessing the security computer will allow you to lock or unlock the doors. Colonists will only come through these doors if they are unlocked, whereas Kapones have security access to most of the rooms in the base. 3.4 LIVING QUARTERS AND WORKERS QUARTERS These rooms are quite common and are the places where most colonists will be found. They may contain objects hidden by the colonists when the base was attacked and by searching all the objects in a room, you may find something which could be of use. 3.5 OXYGENATOR CONTROL The oxygenator control room is usually guarded by some Kapones. These will have to be destroyed before accessing the control computer. Once you access the computer, you will need to enter the oxygenator control code found on the appropriate key. This key may be given to you, or hidden somewhere within the base. Once you enter the code, you will have access the control menu. If the oxygenator is working, then you can enable it, by selecting the option. If it is not working and requires repair, you can select the option. This will give a detailed examination of the oxygenator sections and a report on the findings. Once you have determined the fault(s), you will need to repair the unit, and then return to this menu. 3.6 OXYGENATOR The oxygenator unit supplies oxygen for the entire base. The repair of this unit is vital to the success of the each mission you perform. The oxygenator may be faulty and require repair. You may need to find the fault by accessing the control computer in a nearby room. (See 3.5) Once the fault has been determined and you have worked out the object(s) required for repair, you may insert them into the unit to activate the auto-repair sequence. 3.7 INTELLIGENCE EXCHANGE CENTRE (IEC) These rooms contain computer units which let you gain credits for information. It is a U.C.C. device and therefore requires the insertion of a credit card. Any information you have from downloaded droids (See 3.7.1) can be uploaded into these computers. Most bases will give around 1 (one) credit for each megabyte of data uploaded. 3.7.1 DOWNLOADING DATA Data can be downloaded from most droids once they have been stunned (See 4.1.1). Access to a droid after stunning will bring up the download window. Select the start gadget to initiate to download procedure. As the data is transferred, a bar indicates the progress. Once the data has been downloaded, the droid may be destroyed by minimal shots to its shell. 3.8 ARMORY The ARMORY room is similar in operation to the supply room (See 3.2). By inserting your credit card, you may access the available items for purchase. Once these items have been selected from the menu, they will appear in the weapon holder units nearby. To pick up the objects from purchase, you need to access the appropriate holder and take the objects inside. If your inventory is full, you will get an error message. 4. GAME FIGHTING 4.1 BATTLING AND WEAPONS Battles are the most predominant occupation for the Tekite droid. The better the weapon(s) a Tekite has, the greater the chance of defeating the Kapone empire. 4.1.1 LASER SWORD This is the weapon that most Centurions will have. It is the weapon that is supplied to you before transportation down to the first base. It is a simple weapon and is one of the few that can cause droid stunning. It uses low power and provides an effective means of destroying Kapones. This weapon is a single beam, chest firing weapon with a short range. The sword supplies an electrical charge to its tip, this can be used to damage the control of enemy droids. When droids are damaged they will become erratic in their movement for a short time. If you continue to use the sword on them in this state you will eventually destroy their internal circuitry causing them to become inactive. When they are in this state, you may access their download circuitry and perform a data download. (See 3.7.1) 4.1.2 PHASER GUN The phaser gun is a fast single shot firing gun that supplies short phaser blasts from the chest centre. It is a longer range weapon and has more power in its shots than the sword but is not able to stun, only destroy. It can be quite useful when fully enhanced. 4.1.3 BLASTER The blaster is a very good weapon for quick battles. It uses a twin firing mechanism from the Tekites arms and is best used with both shots lined up on an enemy. It has far more power then a phaser but over-heats quicker. This weapon will quickly dispose of most enemy droids. 4.1.4 MEGA-BLASTER The Mega-Blaster is a similar weapon to the blaster but fires six blasts at a time in a spread fashion. This is very useful when attacking or defending against multiple enemies. However care should be taken if you have allies in the same room as they spread effect may hit them. 4.1.5 FLAME THROWER This weapon will fire a blast of flame from both arms. It is very effective in short range combat destroying most enemy very quickly. However, without a heat resistant barrel it is only usable for a few shots. It is also limited by range. 4.1.6 DISRUPTER The disrupter fires a twin ball of plasma from the Tekites arms. This will have a similar effect on the enemy as the sword. However the disrupter is a long range weapon and far more powerful. It is quite capable of damaging a Kapones circuitry with a single hit. 4.1.7 ROCKETS The Tekite is capable of rocket fire similar to that of the Kapone warrior. Also like the Kapone, only one arm can launch a rocket at one time. 4.1.8. DESTRUCTA BOLT This is the most powerful weapon of them all. It is a long range weapon which fires a bolt from both arms at the same time. This weapon has a two-phase firing method. The first phase builds up the strength of the bolt, and the second phase fires the bolt. If its is fired immediately without a build up of power then its will only be of equivalent power to the Mega-Blaster (4.1.4). However when allowed time to build to full strength (about 2 seconds) it has more power then a rocket and will destroy all enemies currently known to by Tekite Intelligence. 4.2 WEAPON ENHANCEMENTS There are eight different weapon enhancements. Any combination or all of these can be added to any weapon. Adding enhancements to a weapon is explained in section 2.3. Some of these are; · Auto-Fire This will enable the weapon to fire continuously by holding down continuously on the fire button. Without this added, it will be necessary to continually press the button for a weapon to fire. · Weapon Coolant This enhancement allows the weapon to cool down a lot quicker. · Heat-resistant barrel This enhancement will stop the weapon from heating up quickly. It allows more shots to fire before the weapon starts to over-heat. 5. BASE STATION Each base station floats above its corresponding base which is buried deep underground. Each station contains holding bays for hovar vehicles, maintenance depots and supply terminals. By moving the mouse over the presented screen, you can select one any of three actions that may be performed whilst in a base station. These are; · Beam down to the base below. Your hovar is left in the base station while you go about your mission. · Access a computer terminal for operations such as weapon supply and hovar maintenance. Follow the menu options and make sure you have enough credits! · Transport your hovar down to the surface for travel to another base. While on the moons surface, all that is required to beam into a base station is to position your hovar under a base station, come to a complete stop and wait for a few seconds. The transporter needs a steady subject for matter transformation. 6. SURFACE SECTION 7. CONTROLS 7.1 CONTROLS 7.1.1 KEYBOARD CONTROLS Keyboard controls are always accessible. BASE SECTION 'F1' - Communications 'F2' - Load/Save/Info 'F3' - Status 'F4' - Weapon select 'F5' - Inventory 'F6' - Base Map Cursor left - Move west Cursor right - Move east Cursor up - Move north Cursor down - Move south A - Fire/Access RETURN - Fire/Access TAB - Window gadget cycle forward TAB-SHIFT - Window gadget cycle reverse TAB-ALT - Window selection forward TAB-SHIFT-ALT - Window selection reverse SURFACE SECTION 'F1' - Communications 'F2' - Load/Save/Info 'F3' - Status 'F4' - Weapon select 'F5' - Inventory 'F6' - Surface Map Cursor left - Rotate anti-clockwise Cursor right - Rotate clockwise Cursor up - Increase velocity Cursor down - Decrease velocity A - Fire/Access RETURN - Fire/Access TAB - Window gadget cycle forward TAB-SHIFT - Window gadget cycle reverse TAB-ALT - Window selection forward TAB-SHIFT-ALT - Window selection reverse M - Fire missile (Click the mouse pointer over the object you wish to target) H - HUD on/off toggle Z - Radar zoom range toggle 7.1.2 JOYSTICK CONTROLS Stick left - Move west Stick right - Move east Stick forward - Move north Stick backward - Move south Fire button - Fire/Access While accessing a computer terminal and holding down the FIRE button, the following controls are enabled; Stick left - Window selection reverse Stick right - Window selection forward Stick forward - Window gadget cycle reverse Stick backward - Window gadget cycle forward Appendix A Jupiter Details Diameter - 142984km Mass - 1.899x1027 kg Rotational period - 9.84 Earth hours Sidereal period - 4333 Earth days (11.86 Earth years) Inclination of rotational axis - 3.12° Albedo - 0.34 Mean temperature - 26637°F Max. temperature - 53476°F Min. temperature - <202°F (Great Red Spot) Major atmospheric components - Helium (<10%) Hydrogen (<90%) Other components - Methane, Ammonia, Ethane, Acetylene, Watervapor, Phosphline, Carbon monoxide, Germane, Tetrahydride. Uropa (ne- Europa) details Diameter - 3126km Dist. from Jupiter - 670900km Mass - 4.87x1022 kg Rotational period - 3.55 Earth days Sidereal period - 3.55 Earth days Mean temperature - -268°F --- Typed by PYTH0N/LNS on 14/10/94