Bloodnet - Cheat ================ Using your favorite hex-editor (like Zap or filex) and change the positions below to FF. This will give you 255 in every stat, and 16,777,215 virtual dollars to fool around with. NOTE: You have to change the value in the positions under both Pos #1 and Pos #2, or else the game will accuse you of cheating. POS#1: POS#2: Hit Points: $34B/$34D $6E8E/$6EAE PHYSICAL: Strength: $358 $6EB5 Endurance: $359 $6ECD Agility: $35A $6E9D Stealth: $35B $6EAB Pick Pocket: $35C $6E9F CYBERSKILLS: Hacking: $370 $6EB0 Deck Integrity: $371 $6EA7 Cybercloaking: $373 $6E9A COMBAT: Melee: $36A $6E99 Firearms: $36B $6EB3 HighTech: $36C $6ECC BioTech: $36D $6EA4 Blades: $36E $6ECA Explosives: $36F $6ECB PERSONALITY: Leadership: $35D $6EA0 Innonence: $35E $6E8F Faith: $35F $6EA5 Courage: $360 $6EA9 Will: $361 $6E9E Bribery: $362 $6EAA MENTAL: Intelligence: $363 $6EA6 Fast-talk: $364 $6EA3 Observation: $365 $6EAC Bargaining: $366 $6EAF Jury Rig: $367 $6EB1 Medicinal: $368 $6EB4 Lock Pick: $369 $6EB2 Money: $34F/$350/$351 $6E96/$6E97/$6E98