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Games Shoot-em-up Project X

Project X Hot

Editor rating
7.5 User rating
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Project X


License:  Commercial
Year:  1992
A500 (OCS) A600  (ECS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
WHD Install available
Number of Players
Simultaneous Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  Team 17
Developer:  Team 17
Coder:  Andreas TadicStefan Boberg
Graphics:  Rico Holmes
Musician:  Allister BrimbleBjørn LynneChristopher Brimble
Game Notes and Information

Screenshots, Artwork and Media

Artwork - (Boxart, Diskscans, Adverts.. etc)

Manuals and Downloads

Manuals and Support Material
No manuals or other documents currently avaialble for this game. If you have some please can you help by submitting them?

No downloads currently avaialble for this game

Cheats and Tips

If you fly into the first end of level baddie when its jaws opens up, avoiding its fire and being careful not to touch it, you will be presented with a version of Space Invaders. Complete one wave and you will be given three extra lives and be thrown back into the fray.
No hints, tips or helpful information currently available - Please submit any you know.

Member's Reviews

Editor review

Polished shooter

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Over the years hundreds of shoot 'em ups were released on the Amiga, many with brilliant gameplay and long lifespans. When Project X was released its graphics blew everyone away. They were of the high polished quality everyone had come to expect from Team 17, and the animation and game movement was smooth and looked amazing.

The gameplay wasn't quite as innovative as the graphics though. Whilst it was a really good side scrolling shooter it's format was very similar to many other games before it including the likes of R-Type. Its powerup system had also been seen before, whereby you collected powerups and each unused powerup would push you up to the next ability until you reached the one you wished to activate. I definitely prefer this system over ones where you just collect specific powerups a set points within the games levels.

The big problem with Project X was it's difficulty level. Many people found the game way too hard and never saw past even the first level as they gave up before they even reached that far. For more skilled gameers Project X was more enjoyable as it gave them a challenge, but for the rest it was just too hard.

Therefore I only gave it 6 for the gameplay as many will find it too hard to play very far and will give up. But it is worth learning the levels and progressing as the later levels look even more amazing than the first.

I also only have it 6 for the lifespan because, just like every other shoot 'em up, the gameplay is very linear and once completed it's unlikey you will want to play it right through again.

If you are a shoot em up fan you will really like this game. It's not quite up there with R-Type but the graphics and atmosphere, not to mention the great firepower once you have built up enough powerups is great. Great looking and polished shooter with some tough gameplay.

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