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Games Board Games Battle Chess

Battle Chess Hot

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Battle Chess


License:  Commercial
Year:  1988
A500 (OCS) CDTV CD32
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
Yes WHD Install available
Number of Players
Simultaneous Players
1 only
Game Notes and Information
This game has network gameplay support. You can play via dialup modem and null model linkup between 2 Amigas.

Screenshots, Artwork and Media

Artwork - (Boxart, Diskscans, Adverts.. etc)

Manuals and Downloads

Manuals and Support Material
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Member's Reviews

Editor review

Battlechess - Bishops learn Jujitsu

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
Battle Chess, is one of the classic chess games. It is the only game where piece battle for squares. Obviously, you want to be able to win the game, but there are occasions where you just wish to send your pieces to their imminent death, to witness the fray between the two pieces.

There are only two colours in this game, the red and blue side. play the red side by default (this can be changed) and have the first move. The theme of the set is based on medieval times, with your pawns being basic footsoldiers, you knights being knights in full sets of armour, equipped with sword and sheild, your bishops being dressed in a gown and appropriate headdress, carrying a cross, your rooks are mobile castle and your king and queen completely covered in robes, crowns and jewels.

The game is set in a "3D" environment, but you can choose to play in the classic top down view if you wish. There is also the ability to play on ten different difficulty levels or even play against a friend via a modem. A hot seat mode is also supported.

Graphics: The 3D mode is the best mode, allows for the true "Battle" to be experienced. In this mode, it feels less like chess and more like a game of strategy. The characters are well defined and the board even has a swril of colour flowing through the squares. The background is completely black, which adds to the atmosphere of the game - you must be focused to claim their king.

Sound: There is no music to this game, but there are plenty of sound effects. Each character has their own movement sound, may it be the clinking of armour or the rumble of stone. Each encounter also has a specific sound, between pawn and pawn, queen and rook...they are all unique. Very well done, apart from there being no music, which is the only downside to the sound.

Gameplay: The most enticing part of this game is the battles between the pieces. Winning may be an extra bonus, but the strategy and death of your opponents and occasionally your own pieces is fun to watch. As mentioned before, encounters between different pieces, offer different sequences of death. The most interesting occur when a piece destroys a piece of greater value than its own. These sequences make the game a lot more fun than your regular chess game. The only downside is that there is a slight delay between selecting your move and it being played out, as the correct sequence must be selected.

Lifespan: Although it is alot of fun, the game is limited to only that chess set and theme. If you are an avid chess player and wish for a range of play, then this game will age quickly. On the other hand, if you enjoy the random game of chess and wish for a bit of a laugh, you will dig this game out every so often. Definately a game to keep.

Overall: The game is aimed to be more fun than serious chess. Good for a laugh and plenty of fun.

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Comments (3)Add Comment
Demon Cleaner
06 February, 2007

The battles were indeed great fun in this chess game, and I tried every possible combination of battle, to see all the different death sequences, and they're really great fun.

If you are a real chess player, you might chose the 2D view to play, as did my father when playing. After you've seen all battle combos, you definitely don't play any longer, unless you consider playing normal chess.

I for myself loved the game for its funny sequences, but didn't enjoy playing chess, as I preferred to play against a real human opponent. I was more addicted to Archon, where you could at least fight your battles, instead of only watching them. But that's just how chess is.

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06 February, 2007

I remember playing Battle Chess quite a bit. Not only because of the graphics, but also because I've always found chess interesting. Trying out tactics against the compauter AI is a good way of prepearing against a human opponent. Now that I read the review, I'm actually tempted at giving this game a go again. After all, it was my favourite chess game on the Amiga.

Thumbs up for Battle Chess!

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06 February, 2007

Hah! Battle Chess is still my preferred chess-game. I've tried several more recent games on PC and PS2, but none are as entertaining as this one! smilies/smiley.gif

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