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Games Platform Woodys World

Woodys World Hot

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Woodys World


License:  Commercial
Year:  1993
A500 (OCS) A600  (ECS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
WHD Install available
Number of Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  Acid
Developer:  Vision
Coder:  Paul Andrews
Graphics:  Rodney Smith
Musician:  Blair Zuppicich
Game Notes and Information

Screenshots, Artwork and Media

Artwork - (Boxart, Diskscans, Adverts.. etc)
No Boxart, Disk label or other supporting Artwork scans are currently avaialble for this game.
If you can provide some please can you help by submitting them for us to use?

Manuals and Downloads

Manuals and Support Material
No manuals or other documents currently avaialble for this game. If you have some please can you help by submitting them?

No downloads currently avaialble for this game

Cheats and Tips

Here are the level codes for all the levels, even the bonus levels. These codes will let you start the game at different locations without having any of the levels completed. These codes may not work on all versions, as there are different versions of the game. "BHEAEALK"-----Lava Castle "BHEAHAIK"--Checker Castle "BHEAGAJK"--------The Cave "BHEABAOK"----Fishy Castle "BHEAAAPK"-------The Mines "BHEADAMK"------Cog Castle "BHEACANK"-----The Outside "BHEANACK"-------The Cloud "BHEAMADK"-Stepping Stones "BHEAPAAK"--Conveyer Belts "BHEAOABK"-------The Boats "BHEAJAGK"--------The Cave "BHEAIAHK"-------The Boats "BHEALAEK"-----The Outside "BHEAKAFK"-Stepping Stones "BHEAFBKL"-The Lost Castle "BHEAEBLL"-----Bonus Round "BHEAHBIL"-----Bonus Round "BHEAGBJL"-----Bonus Round Normal Level Codes: "AHEAFALK"------First Code "OIEAFAFF"-----Second Code "OIHAFAIK"------Third Code Level Codes for another version: "AHJBEAEA"----Steam Castle "MPDNGAMF"--Checker Castle "MODNAAOG"----Fishy Castle "MKDNCAIK"------Cog Castle "OKDNFAPK"-----Lava Castle "OIHMOACO"--Conveyor Belts
No hints, tips or helpful information currently available - Please submit any you know.

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