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Jamaica ROM-party 2007 - Results Print E-mail
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Written by PG   
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Jamaica ROM-party 2007 - Results

Here's, at last, the official results from the Jamaica ROM-party 2007 in Sweden.
Surprise #1 - PEZ (16bits final)              
o1 ... Frost^Tulou                                   
o2 ... Altruist^Tulou                               
xX ... Wix (disqualified)                           
Surprise #2 - Handdrawn on CD (Jamaica)-ROM 
Final out of 5 entries:                           
o1   9 pao                                                
o2 ..8 Frost^Tulou                                  
Surprise #3 - LINGO                              
Winners: Traktor + Tulou                       
o1 .18 Jaimaica rom2007/Coaxcable   
o2 .13 Bier und Amiga/Frost^Nukleus  
o2 .13 Demogrejs/Pao                            
o4 ..9 Ascii/Pesto                                   
o5 ..7 Boozaholics/Mjd                           
o6 ..6 JRP07/Smaugur^Nukleus           
Old school Music............COMPO          
o1 .39 Into the chambers/Radiantx^Panda Design (sid)
o2 .12 Degrees/Pezac^Nature (sid)                               
o3 .10 Administrea Poop/Johey^d4rkn3ss (sid)           
o4 ..8 Slow and hot/Psycreator^Moods Plateau (mod)              
o5 ..7 Äter Barn/Gouafhg^The Gang (mod)                         
o6 ..1 I Love You/Psychad^Illuminati (mod)                      
New school Music............COMPO                               
o1 .24 Data Squared/Mindcooler (exe)                             
o2 .18 Experiment/Blakkhar (dbm)                                
o3 .11 Covered/Gouafhg^The Gang                                  
o4 ..6 Dens lystide Eichurnchen/Selecta Novel^Moods Plateau^GNP              
Old school Graphics.........COMPO                               
o1 .35 Att bortom se/Frost^Tulou                           
o2 .21 Fräsch/Malmix^Nature                                 
o3 .11 DPD/Gunrider^Nukleus                                
o4 ..5 Creatures of the night/Browallia^Nukleus    
o5 ..4 Hulkens Makt/Barbie^HKL               
o6 ..3 Roli Kuppe/Mindcooler^Sys5 (c64) 
o1 .10 The Gang - Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning      
o2 ..7 Sleipner/Nukleus - The Exile                              
AMIGA - One Screen Demo.....COMPO 
o1 .15 Sunskin/Loonies^Tulou^Depth (shown on Winuae)         
o2 ..9 Stars of Nukleus/Nukleus (amiga one)       
o2 ..9 Precision/Nature                                          
o4 ..2 Jrp5/Elcrew                                              
o4 ..2 jrp5/RNO                                                  
o4 ..2 GREPwhite2007/Traktor                                   
o7 ..1 Delirium state of mind/Void                               
Hits: 7970
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Last Updated ( Sunday, 18 November 2007 )
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