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WinUAE 1.4.2(a) final Print E-mail
(3 votes)
Written by Demon Cleaner   
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
WinUAE 1.4.2 final has been released, and after 11 beta versions, they even noticed another bug in the final release and released a hotfix.
WinUAE 1.4.2 (12.05.2007)

New features:

- "Windowed fullscreen" for users with multiple monitors, fullscreen
Amiga on secondary monitor, Windows on primary monitor, no more lost
fullscreen when focus changes to Windows program.
- A600/A1200 and A4000 IDE harddrive (HDF) hardware emulation, includes
also "4-Way IDE" / "IDE splitter" emulation.
- Directory, HDF, IDE and Picasso96 statefile support. WARNING: data loss
possible if data in HDF has changed between saving and restoring!
Picasso96 statefile support not 100% compatible yet.
- 68030 and 68060 (with FPU. 68060.library required) emulation. (no MMU)
- 68881/68882 FPU type selectable.
- Global brightness, contrast and gamma adjustment.
- "PAL" TV-like filter, with brightness, contrast, gamma, scanline level,
blur and noise adjustment.
- GUI debugger, debugger improvements. (xx switches debugger modes)
- New GUI font if running under Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
- Interpolation and filters supported in 4/6 channel sound modes.
- Log and debugger console position stored in registry.

Bugs fixed:

- Improved CDTV emulation compatibility.
- 1.4.0 FPU clamping fix.
- Missing channels in 4 channel sound mode. (Emu10K based cards)
- 10x+ performance increase during "decrunching" color effects when
no filters enabled and only background color was visible.
- Crash when loading config and specific chipset extra model was selected.
- Direct HD support improved, SyQuest removable drives detected properly.
- Minor custom chipset emulation updates.
- Rare emulator crash when running Amiga program crashed badly.
- Filter centering improved.

WinUAE 1.4.2a (13.05.2007)

Bugs fixed:

- Path handling problems fixed. If you still have problems with paths,
select Paths-panel "WinUAE default (old)" and click "Reset to defaults"
and then manually adjust paths if needed.
- Windows 98SE (and ME?) incompatibility.
Direct downloads can be found below:

WinUAE 1.4.2a final (installer)
WinUAE 1.4.2a final (archive)

Hits: 10278
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