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Games Shoot-em-up Monty Python's Flying Circus

Monty Python's Flying Circus Hot

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Monty Python's Flying Circus


License:  Commercial
Year:  1990
A500 (OCS)
Number of disks
Harddrive Installable
Number of Players
1 only
Game Developer's Credits
Publisher:  Virgin Games
Developer:  Core Design
Game Notes and Information

Screenshots, Artwork and Media

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Member's Reviews

Editor review

Monty Pythons Flying Circus

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
If you know anything about Monty Python, you will know that they are the masters of random, chaos and political incorrectness. If you have seen the television show or any of the movies, for their entirety they keep you in a state of disbelief and fits of laughter, with the crazy comments and scenes that were recorded.

In this game, your objective is to recover the pieces of your brain that have escaped. Now, if you thought the show was weird, wait until you play this. As I haven't seen the proper manual, I can not entirely comment on the objective of this game. I have to say, it is one of the weirdest and different games that I have played. Firstly, your weapon is your ability to throw fish. Yes, that's right fish. Secondly, your opponents range from flying mouths through to bouncing rabbits. To destroy these enemies, you must hit them with your fish and to power back up if you are hit by these enemies is to eat a variety of foods, such as sausages, spam and eggs.

Throughout the game, there are intermissions, some expected, but most are not. They take you to screens such as "How to tell the difference between trees at a distance" and "How to identify parts of the human body". You are also taken to a screen where you are interviewed by a man who seems to act as an English quizmaster. If you are able to complete the objective of each level, he lets you have a piece of your brain. If you are able to collect all four parts of your brain, you are able to view the excellent ending sequence. You are also turned into different animals, such as a turkey and a fish. Why? The real question is, why not?

Graphics: A 2D sidescroller, in the same class as mario brothers, if not with slighly more class. Nothing extraordinary, but nothing terrible. Not a large variety in the colour scheme, but this is unnoticeable as the randomness of your surroundings distracts you.

Sound: No in game music, but the random sound effects are enough to carry this game through on a sound level. Very weird and unexpected.

Gameplay: Your objective is to destroy your enemies and avoid being hit. This seems straightforward, but in reality it is not. The enemies fly, crawl and drop at random angles, speeds and times. You will need good dexterity and reaction time to make your way through this game. Very nice balance between difficulty and fun.

Lifespan: It will take you a while to complete this game, as it is not an easy blast through type of game. Although, once you have played through this game a couple of times, the novelty of the randomness will wear off and the lack of variety throughout the game will not be able to draw you into playing another round of this game.

Overall: Anyone who is a fan of Monty Python will appreciate this game, and it is definately worth checking out. If you have never seen Monty Python, I recommend you watch some before playing this, otherwise it will not make any sense. In any case, check this out and you'll see what I mean.
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